Szanowni Obywatele Brazylii
Na Wasze wybory 30 października patrzy cały świat, ponieważ zależy od nich nie tylko los Brazylii, ale decydujecie też o losach światowej walki o ochronę klimatu.
Brazylia to duży kraj, ważny partner gospodarczy, bogata kultura. Macie też wielki skarb przyrodniczy, Puszczę Amazońską – największy las deszczowy na świecie. Jednak ten skarb jest zagrożony, a obecny prezydent Jair Bolsonaro dopuszczał niszczenie Puszczy dla zysku. Za jego prezydentury wylesianie osiągnęło niechlubne rekordy.
Naukowcy ostrzegają, że ekosystem Amazonii jest bliski granicy załamania, a może właśnie ją przekracza. Za tą granicą są coraz częstsze i bardziej dotkliwe susze, pożary i nieodwracalne zamieranie Puszczy. Dla Was oznacza to utratę jej bogactw i katastrofę dla rolnictwa. Dla świata to byłaby klęska w walce o ochronę klimatu.
Dla nas, dla wszystkich mieszkańców naszej wspólnej planety, lasy deszczowe są życiem i przetrwaniem. Katastrofa klimatyczna jest za drzwiami, które bardzo chciałby otworzyć Jair Bolsonaro. Pozwólcie Luizowi Lula da Silva spróbować zamknąć te drzwi na klucz, ponieważ raz otwarte spowodują wiele nieszczęść. Lula da Silva obiecuje zatrzymać destrukcję Puszczy Amazońskiej – chcemy wierzyć, że dotrzyma słowa.
Prosimy, idźcie na wybory i zagłosujcie w obronie Amazonii. Zagłosujcie w obronie Waszej i naszej przyszłości na wspólnej planecie, w obronie demokracji, ludów tubylczych i nieskończonego bogactwa Życia. Prosimy Was o to jako zwykli ludzie, obywatele innych krajów, ale jednej Ziemi. Będziemy Wam za to niezmiernie wdzięczni.
Caros cidadãos brasileiros
No próximo dia 30 de Outubro, o mundo inteiro vai estar de olhos postos nas eleições presidenciais do vosso país. O destino do Brasil, mas também o futuro da luta global pela proteção do clima, está em jogo.
O Brasil, como grande país que é, constitui uma potência mundial, a todos os níveis. Um claro exemplo, é o seu maior tesouro natural, a Floresta Amazônica – a maior floresta tropical do mundo. No entanto, esse tesouro está ameaçado, pois o atual presidente Jair Bolsonaro permitiu a destruição da Floresta para fins lucrativos. Sob sua presidência, o desmatamento atingiu recordes infames.
Os cientistas alertam que o ecossistema amazônico está à beira do colapso, ou talvez esteja já em colapso.Todos os dias, as secas e os incêndios tornam-se mais frequentes e severos. A extinção da Floresta torna-se cada vez mais irreversível. Para todos os brasileiros, isso resultaria na perda da sua maior riqueza e seria um desastre para a agricultura. Para o mundo, significaria a derrota da batalha pela proteção do clima.
Para nós, todos os cidadãos do mesmo planeta, as florestas tropicais significam vida e sobrevivência. A catástrofe climática está à espreita, atrás de uma porta que Jair Bolsonaro gostaria muito de abrir. Que Luiz Lula da Silva tente manter esta porta trancada, porque uma vez aberta causará muita miséria. Lula da Silva promete parar a destruição da Floresta Amazônica – queremos acreditar que ele cumprirá sua palavra.
Por favor, vá às urnas e vote em defesa da Amazônia. Vote em defesa do seu e do nosso futuro do nosso planeta, em defesa da democracia, dos povos indígenas e da infinita riqueza da Vida. Pedimos que o façam como pessoas comuns, cidadãos de outros países, mas de uma Terra. Seremos eternamente gratos a todos os brasileiros.
Dear Brazilian citizens
The whole world is watching your election on 30 October because not only does the fate of Brazil depend on it, but also the future of the global fight for climate protection.
Brazil constitutes a large country, it is an important economic partner with rich culture. You also have a great natural treasure, the Amazon Forest – the largest rainforest in the world. However, this treasure is under threat as the current President Jair Bolsonaro has allowed the destruction of the Forest for profit. Under his presidency, deforestation has reached infamous records.
Scientists warn that the Amazon ecosystem is close to the brink of collapse, or perhaps is collapsing now. Once it falls, droughts and fires get more frequent and severe, and the extinction of the Forest becomes irreversible. For you, this would result in the loss of its riches and a disaster for agriculture. For the world, it would mean defeat of the battle for climate protection.
For us, all citizens of the same planet, the rainforests mean life and survival. The climate catastrophe is lurking behind a door that Jair Bolsonaro would very much like to open. Let Luiz Lula da Silva try to keep this door locked because once opened it will cause much misery. Lula da Silva promises to stop the destruction of the Amazon Forest – we want to believe that he will keep his word.
Please go to the polls and vote in defense of the Amazon. Vote in defense of your and our future, future of our planet, in defense of democracy, indigenous peoples and the infinite wealth of Life. We ask you to do so as ordinary people, citizens of other countries but one Earth. We will be eternally grateful to you for this.